Datasets generated for project modeling.epsilon

Context of this work

Crossminer is EU-funded research project that aims at providing tailored recommendations for software practitionners. Its outputs include the Scava Eclipse project and a set of public datasets extracted from a selection of representative Eclipse projects.

This report was generated on 2019-03-13.

About this document

This document is a R notebook, dynamically created from the numbers extracted on the project. It lists all datasets published for the project, providing basic numbers, figures and a quick summary, and serves as a test case to make sure that all the required data is present and roughly consistent with requirements. All plots and tables are computed from the actual data as provided in the downloads.

To re-execute the document, simply render it with the project ID as a parameter:

render("datasets_report.Rmd", params = list(project_id = "modeling.epsilon"))

About the downloads

Downloads are mainly composed of CSV and JSON files. CSV files always have a header to name the fields, which makes it easy to import in analysis software like R:

data <- read.csv(file='myfile.csv', header=T)

All downloads are available as compressed (gzip’d) files to reduce bandwidth usage.


List of datasets generated for the project:


Git commits

Download: git_commits_evol.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_git_commits, header=T)

File is git_commits_evol.csv, and has 3 columns for 1084 commits.

data$commits_sum <- cumsum(data$commits)
data.xts <- xts(x = data[,c('commits_sum', 'commits', 'authors')],[,c('date')]), format="%Y-%m-%d"))

p <-dygraph(data.xts[,c('commits')],
        main = paste('Daily commits for ', project_id, sep=''),
        width = 800, height = 250 ) %>%

Git log

Download: git_log.txt.gz

File is git_log.txt, and full log has 20912 lines.


Bugzilla issues

Download: bugzilla_issues.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_bz_issues, header=T)

File is bugzilla_issues.csv, and has 17 columns for 606 issues.

Bugzilla open issues

Download: bugzilla_issues_open.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_bz_issues_open, header=T)

File is bugzilla_issues_open.csv, and has 17 columns for 138 issues (all open).

Bugzilla evolution

Download: bugzilla_evol.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_bz_evol, header=T)

File is bugzilla_evol.csv, and has 3 columns for 462 weeks.

data.xts <- xts(x = data, = as.POSIXct(data$date))
data.monthly <- apply.monthly(x=data.xts, FUN = nrow)

p <-dygraph(data.monthly[,1],
        main = paste('Monthly issues submissions for ', project_id, sep=''),
        width = "750px", height = 250 ) %>%


Download: bugzilla_versions.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_bz_versions, header=T)

File is bugzilla_versions.csv, and has 2 columns for 1 weeks.


Download: bugzilla_components.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_bz_components, header=T)

File is bugzilla_components.csv, and has 2 columns for 1 weeks.

Eclipse Forums

Forums posts

Download: eclipse_forums_posts.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_forums_posts, header=T)

File is ../scripts/projects/modeling.epsilon/eclipse_forums_posts.csv, and has 6 columns for 9237 posts. The evolution of posts

data$ <- as.POSIXct(data$created_date, origin="1970-01-01")
posts.xts <- xts(data, = data$
posts.weekly <- apply.weekly(x=posts.xts, FUN = nrow)
names(posts.weekly) <- c("posts")

p <- dygraph(
  data = posts.weekly,
  main = paste('Weekly forum posts for ', project_id, sep=''),
  width = 800, height = 250 ) %>%
  dyAxis("x", drawGrid = FALSE) %>%
  dySeries("posts", label = "Weekly posts") %>%
  dyOptions(stepPlot = TRUE) %>%

The list of the 10 last active posts on the forums:

data$ <- as.POSIXct(data$created_date, origin="1970-01-01")
posts.table <- head(data[,c('id', 'subject', '', 'author_id')], 10)
posts.table$subject <- paste('<a href="', posts.table$html_url, '">', posts.table$subject, '</a>', sep='')
posts.table$ <- as.character(posts.table$
names(posts.table) <- c('ID', 'Subject', 'Post date', 'Post author')

    xtable(head(posts.table, 10),
        caption = paste('10 most recent posts on', project_id, 'forum.', sep=" "),
        digits=0, align="lllll"), type="html",
    html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
    sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
10 most recent posts on modeling.epsilon forum.
ID Subject Post date Post author
1803871 Packaging application with epsilon 2019-03-12 18:38:58 141976
1803689 Re: Need help getting started with EUnit 2019-03-06 20:04:13 67398
1803688 Re: EOL Real number addition overflow 2019-03-06 20:03:36 67398
1803678 EOL Real number addition overflow 2019-03-06 17:12:01 216874
1803635 Re: Problem compiling RCP using tycho and epsilon 2019-03-05 21:39:40 217647
1803628 Problem compiling RCP using tycho and epsilon 2019-03-05 18:47:57 217647
1803516 Re: Need help getting started with EUnit 2019-03-02 10:38:42 67398
1803318 Re: ECL in the standalone mode 2019-02-26 18:20:26 213013
1803263 Re: Need help getting started with EUnit 2019-02-26 00:45:26 224063
1803238 Re: Calling ETL from Java with “partial” reset 2019-02-25 15:29:35 224440

Forums threads

Download: eclipse_forums_threads.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_forums_threads, header=T)

File is ../scripts/projects/modeling.epsilon/eclipse_forums_threads.csv, and has 8 columns for 1837 threads. A wordcloud with the main words used in threads is presented below.

The list of the 10 last active threads on the forums:

data$ <- as.POSIXct(data$last_post_date, origin="1970-01-01")
threads.table <- head(data[,c('id', 'subject', '', 'last_post_id', 'replies', 'views')], 10)
threads.table$subject <- paste('<a href="', threads.table$html_url, '">', threads.table$subject, '</a>', sep='')
threads.table$ <- as.character(threads.table$
names(threads.table) <- c('ID', 'Subject', 'Last post date', 'Last post author', 'Replies', 'Views')

        caption = paste('10 last active threads on', project_id, 'forum.', sep=" "),
        digits=0, align="lllllll"), type="html",
    html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
    sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
10 last active threads on modeling.epsilon forum.
ID Subject Last post date Last post author Replies Views
1097999 Packaging application with epsilon 2019-03-12 18:38:58 1803871 0 145
1097932 EOL Real number addition overflow 2019-03-06 20:03:36 1803688 1 1246
1097916 Problem compiling RCP using tycho and epsilon 2019-03-05 21:39:40 1803635 1 868
1097720 Need help getting started with EUnit 2019-03-06 20:04:13 1803689 9 1600
1097594 Creating EmfModel instance from Java objects instead of loading from file 2019-02-15 09:21:42 1802755 2 1153
1097531 [EVL] update in-memory model modified programmatically 2019-02-13 22:57:10 1802680 3 341
1097449 New EVL Plugin: WebChecker - Bootstrap Linter 2019-02-10 15:12:07 1802482 2 863
1097428 EmfMetamodel disposal 2019-02-07 14:04:44 1802371 5 1868
1097306 Epsilon standalone in Maven-based Project 2019-01-30 13:47:55 1801989 2 534
1097304 Problems with allInstances() 2019-01-30 11:12:04 1801984 3 299


PMI Checks

Download: eclipse_pmi_checks.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=url_pmi_checks, header=T)

File is eclipse_pmi_checks.csv, and has 3 columns for 17 commits.

checks.table <- head(data[,c('Description', 'Value', 'Results')], 10)

        caption = paste('Extract of the 10 first PMI checks for ', 
                        project_id, '.', sep=" "),
        digits=0, align="llll"), type="html",
    html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
    sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
Extract of the 10 first PMI checks for modeling.epsilon .
Description Value Results
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Create URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Query URL could be successfully fetched.
Sends a get request to the given CI URL and looks at the headers in the response (200 404..). Also checks if the URL is really a Hudson instance (through a call to its API). Failed: could not get CI URL [].
Checks if the Dev ML URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Dev ML URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. Failed: no URL defined for documentation_url.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Download URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the Forums URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK. Forum [eclipse.epsilon] correctly defined.\OK: Forum [eclipse.epsilon] URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. Failed: no URL defined for gettingstarted_url.
Checks if the Mailing lists URL can be fetched using a simple get query. Failed: no mailing list defined.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Plan URL could be successfully fetched.